With 🤍 from @attributiongal → www.attributiongal.com

This page contains links to frameworks and tools I've honed and developed for myself and others throughout my career. I call it my Open Source Library.

P.S. The cover image of this page is of the Victoria State Library. Otherwise known as my favourite place in the entire world.


Navigate below to skip preamble

These tools now live in my Notion as part of my Wiki Garden. Doing this allows me a little more flexibility to store and add to this list as my inventory grows.

You'll see a number of different brands and logos are associated with each of these tools, from references to “Small Paper Things”, "Kate Cook Consulting" to "SPT Agency" and now, "Attribution Gal" (versions 1 and 2). I consider it a little portal of artefacts built from my knowledge over the years.


Welcome to my toolkit.

Courtesy of past Kate.

Digital Marketing


Trello Vault.png


Marketing Operations

Trustworthy Tracking Pack Cheat Sheet.png

Trustworthy Tracking Set Up Guide - Link Cheat Sheet -20.10.20.pdf

Trustworthy Tracking eGuide - Theory to know 20.10.20.pdf